2013 Safety Audit Report now available and downloadable

Michelle Davis, Safety Director at METRAC in Toronto, recently published a report entitled Creating a Safer Organization: Report on the AIDS Committee of Ottawa’s Safety Audit. ACO contracted METRAC to assist the agency to lead a workplace safety audit as part of an effort to engage its members, volunteers, Board Directors and staff to address both the physical and social safety issues at the organization.

The goals of the safety audit were:

  1. To facilitate a participatory and inclusive process in training and supporting staff, volunteers, Board members and other stakeholders to lead a safety audit of the workplace;
  2. To recommend changes to the social and physical safety environments aimed at increasing safety for staff, clients, members and volunteers, while reducing opportunities for multiple forms of violence.

METRAC’s approach to safety is unique in that they used a participatory model, believing that people who work, live and use a space are the “safety experts” of that area and so have the greatest understanding of any safety concerns. Thus, members, clients, volunteers, and staff were invited to participate in the safety audit.

To read the read the report and its findings, click this link:  Safety Audit Report

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